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Source: The New York Times Health

Larry Kufel had always been an active man, tall and rangy, who worked out regularly and picked up basketball games at the gym. But age was taking a toll on his joints, and it had become clear that he needed a hip replacement. The procedure that Mr. Kufel received is called anterior hip replacement. The surgeon makes the incision at the front of the hip instead of through the buttocks or the side of the hip. This approach permits the doctor to reach the hip socket without cutting through major muscle groups. Proponents claim that the procedure results in less pain and fewer complications for patients than standard hip replacement.

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  • Picture of Harvard Medical School
  • Picture of American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
  • Picture of American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons
  • Picture of American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
  • Picture of American Orthopaedic Association

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10215 Fernwood Road

Physician Suite: #506

Therapy Suite: #210

Bethesda, Maryland 20817

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